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Geo.Alp 9
Naturmuseum Südtirol - Museo di Scienze Alto Adige
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Anonymus (2012): In memoriam Mag. Dr. Lorenz Keim
Nereo Preto (2012): Petrology of carbonate beds from the stratotype of the Carnian (Stuores Wiesen section, Dolomites, Italy): the contribution of platform-derived microbialites.
Daniel Ungerank, Dieter Schölzhorn, Peter Tropper (2012): Der Schneeberger Grubenkörper in 3D: Ein Beitrag zur Genese und neue Erkenntnisse zur Lagerung der Pb-Zn Lagerstätte Schneeberg (Ötztal-Stubai-Kristall in, Südtirol, Italien)
Parvaneh Roozbahani (2012): Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous of the Jalmajird area (northeast of Khomeyn, Central Iran Basin), Iran
Evelyn Kustatscher, Kathleen Bauer, Mike Reich (2012): A new Middle Triassic (Pelsonian) plant locality in the Non Valley (Trentino, Northern Italy)
Heimo Schierl (2012): Beitrag zur Quartärgeologie des Inntales zwischen Aldrans und Ampass
Diethard Sanders (2012): Talus accumulation in detachment scars of late holocene rock Avalanche, Eastern Alps (Austria): Rates and implications
Matthias Krismer, Juri Chiaramonte, Thomas Koch Waldner, Gert Goldenberg, Peter Tropper (2012): Mineralogische und chemische Unters
Matthias Krismer, Florian Hipp, Markus Staudt, Gert Goldenberg, Peter Tropper (2012): Kupferschlackengemagerte Keramik von einem spätbronzezeitlichen Gräberfeld bei St. Leonhard/Kundl (Tirol, Österreich)
Enzo Farabegoli, David Tonidandel (2012): Stratigrafia e facies al limite Permiano-Triass ico nelle Dolomiti occidentali (Provincia di Bolzano, Italia): una revisione.
Till Heinrichs, Siegfried Siegesmund, Dirk Frei, Malte Drobe, Bernhard Schulz (2012): Provenance signatures from whole-rock geochemistry and detrital zircon ages of metasediments from the Austroalpine basement south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Tyrol, Austria)
Robert Georg Tscherny, Ralf Littke, Carsten Büker, Sheila Nöth, Anna Kathrin Uffmann (2012): Coalification of dispersed organic matter in the Dolomites, Italy: Implications for burial and thermal history
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- Geo.Alp 9
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