Botanik & Mykologie

Manual on Vascular plant recording techniques in the field and protocols for ATBI+M sites

Zippel E., Wilhalm T. & Thiel-Egenter C.

Full title:

Manual on Vascular plant recording techniques in the field and protocols for ATBI+M sites – Inventory and Sampling of specimens (Chapter 14). In: Eymann et al. (eds): Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for all Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring. ABC Taxa 8.


Abstract (en):

The methods applied by botanists and ecologists to record and describe the constantly changing diversity on earth are as varied as the vegetation and flora itself. Alongside this the literature covering these methods are numerous and diverse. The method used in the field is selected on the basis of the study aims, previous knowledge of geological, ecological and floristic features of the study area as well as the extent of the fieldwork. This manual is an overview of methods and a basic introduction, aimed especially at beginners, to higher plant recording of any study area. It contains basic aspects of planning, carrying out and documenting an inventory project but focuses on practical work in the field, designing sample plots and preparation of herbarium specimens. Theoretical foundations, statistical approaches and analyses are not covered in this manual. Reference to further reading is not complete due to the extensive literature covering inventory methods.

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